How I Went From Living on Painkillers to Alleviating My Neuropathic Pain with Alternative Solution

I am Klaus. I’ve been battling type 2 diabetes and neuropathy for the past 20 years. Living with diabetes and neuropathy feels like a relentless battle. I couldn’t walk and move like a normal person, but a visit to my diabetologist changed my life entirely…

Published on September 19, 2024

My doctor assured me there was nothing more he could do for my sciatica and lower back pain. He offered little hope for relief and essentially suggested I adapt to living with chronic pain.

He just kept prescribing me a bunch of painkillers.

I couldn’t believe that in today’s day and age – with all the technological advancements – there wasn’t a way to finally eliminate the burning and tingling in my feet. 

So, I took matters into my own hands and began searching for an alternative solution.

Thankfully, my search led me to someone promising. 

He was an expert on neuropathy that my neighbor and good friend recommended.

Intrigued by his promise, I scheduled an online consultation. After a brief introduction, he launched into an explanation of the underlying cause of my neuropathy.

The first words out of his mouth stunned me:

“The condition of your nerves requires immediate attention.”

It turns out that, just like every other cell in our body, the nerve cells in our feet need an ongoing oxygen supply to function effectively.

We breathe in oxygen, and it travels from the lungs to the heart, where it hitches a ride on red blood cells to reach all corners of the body.

This system works perfectly until we get older.

That’s because normal aging causes a reduction in total body water – which results in less fluid in the bloodstream and lower blood volume.

The less blood there is in the body, the harder it becomes for the heart to deliver enough oxygen to the cells. This can cause problems, especially for the nerves in your arms, legs, and feet.

This gets even WORSE if you are a diabetic because excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow.

…Which further impedes blood flow.

This starves nerves of oxygen, causing burning pain, tingling, and numbness.

When the nerves in your feet don't get enough oxygen from the blood, they can't function properly, resulting in pain and numbness.

The nerve cells in your feet are literally suffocating. Painkillers are not helping!

Certain prescription medications might help with the pain of your neuropathy, but they're not addressing the root cause.

Here’s why: Medications do nothing to prevent the death of your nerve cells, they merely dull the pain.

As the expert on neuropathy explained…

It’s like if your car was making a lot of squeaky noises because you are out of oil – and you just turned up the speakers so you don’t hear it.

All you are doing is ignoring the true issue at hand.

Pain and tingling are warning signs your body is sending you…

...Before it's too late, you should stop neglecting them!

Pain and tingling can actually mean good news!

As they shrivel, nerve cells cause burning and tingling. And when they die, they simply become numb.

So if you are still feeling burning and tingling, it means that some of your cells are still alive.

Why does this matter?

Well, the National Institute of Health states:

 As long as the underlying nerve cell is still alive, peripheral nerves can regenerate.

So you may still be able to alleviate the symptoms of neuropathy, as long as your nerves are not dead!

There’s ONE way to help reverse neuropathy

The key is to increase blood flow in the feet.

Delivering more oxygen to your nerve cells can significantly improve the symptoms of neuropathy…

But how do you do it?

Traditional medicine might suggest increasing circulation through exercise.

But exercise can be tough when you're in pain.

So... what's the answer?

That's when I first heard about this innovative solution –

That's when I first heard about this innovative solution – Laser Treatment (LLLT)

Wolfnotch, a small startup launched in 2023, uses cutting-edge technology to address foot pain caused by neuropathy.

This laser treatment feature not only aids in balancing blood sugar levels but also provides significant relief from the discomfort associated with diabetic neuropathy. The combination of continuous glucose monitoring and this non-invasive therapy can offer a holistic approach to managing diabetes and its complications.

Here’s the science:

Laser therapy works by emitting low-level laser light that penetrates the skin and underlying tissues. This process helps increase blood flow to the affected areas, enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery, which may promote nerve repair and reduce inflammation. The light energy from the laser stimulates cellular activity and accelerates the body's natural healing processes, relieving pain and improving nerve function.

The KS5 Pro smartwatch incorporates an advanced laser treatment technology designed to alleviate neuropathic pain, particularly for diabetics suffering from conditions like diabetic neuropathy.

This helps you move more, and through increased movem, you can improve blood circulation and promote the vital flow of oxygen to your nerves.

With increased oxygen reaching your nerves, they can begin to repair and heal, ultimately reducing the burning pain, tingling, and numbness associated with neuropathy.

It’s not an overstatement to say that KS5 Pro saved my life

KS5 Pro empowered me to get back to my life, free from the limitations of constant foot pain, swelling, high blood sugar levels...

After just two weeks of using KS5 Pro, my neuropathic pain started to improve and the tingling sensation that had bothered me for years began to fade. 

I couldn't believe it! Finally, after so much suffering, I was finding relief.

Today, I am able to stand for extended periods of time, walk without as much difficulty, and even sleep through the night without experiencing terrible pain. I'm also much more relaxed throughout the day, likely because of the reflexology benefits.

And I can't wait to make up for all the time I lost laying in bed or dreading to move.

The KS5 Pro is selling fast!!!

Here’s how it works:

 This feature works by delivering low-level laser energy directly to affected areas, stimulating the nerves and improving blood circulation.

The laser therapy promotes cellular repair by encouraging increased blood flow, oxygen delivery, and the removal of waste products, which may help reduce inflammation and pain in the nerves. Over time, this can result in enhanced nerve function and a significant reduction in the burning or tingling sensations often associated with neuropathy.

Many users report that regular use of this technology helps to balance blood sugar levels by improving circulation and cellular metabolism, which can lead to better glucose management.

This non-invasive laser therapy works by stimulating the cells, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing in damaged tissues, which can help the body better regulate insulin production and glucose uptake. By addressing underlying issues, such as poor blood flow and damaged nerves, this technology complements traditional treatments and may reduce the need for frequent invasive testing with needles and lancets.

The KS5 Pro is selling fast!!!

We had a customer who was initially very skeptical about the KS5 Pro, but after just one try, she felt compelled to leave us an immediate review...

 #1 Diabetes Product in 2024...

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  • Naturally Relief from Neuropathy Pain

  • Non-invasive monitoring

  • Laser Treatment to balance blood sugar levels

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